15 Jun 2021
The red-crested cardinal (scientific name, paroaria coronata) is a cage bird that came to Hawaii from South America in the 1930s. It flies most freely in city parks, golf courses, and other urban areas. Thus, you can find it almost everywhere on the island, except in the Hawaiian archipelago's Big Island.
6 May 2021
Loxiodes bailleui or the Palila is one of Hawaii's native honeycreeper bird species. It has a bulbous bill, which is helpful when cracking fruit husks. Because of its whistling call, you'll hear it before it flies to you. Want to see this bird elsewhere? Unfortunately, you can't because it's endemic to Hawaii.
28 Mar 2021
The Hawaiian Goose or Nene is Hawaii's official state bird. Also known by its scientific name, Branta sandvicensis, it is endemic to the Aloha state. It's a favorite target of birders who visit Hawaii. Luckily, severe penalties await anyone aiming to disturb a Nene.